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The Constellations Project: Queer Intergenerational Art & Storytelling

Date: Wendesday, March 26

Time: 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM

Location: The LGBTQ Center Long Beach

Address: 2017 E. 4th Street, Long Beach, CA 90814

Hello 20 Somethings😊

We have a very cool event coming up next week in collaboration with Side Street Projects. We’ll be putting on “The Constellations Project”, a queer intergenerational storytelling project where participants will listen to audio interviews of LGBTQ+ elders; they will then create artwork inspired by the audio content with art materials provided by Side Street Projects. 🌈📚🖍

The workshop itself will take place at the LGBTQ Center Long Beach on Wednesday, March 26h from 6:30pm-8:30pm.

This event is open to participants ages 18-29. No prior artistic skill or experience required!

To participate, please fill out a sign-up form by clicking the Learn More button below.
Thank you and we hope to see you there!